The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child urges Belgium to put an end to the detention of children in closed centres

This is one of the recommendations published this thurday by the Committee on the Rights of the Child. The more than 325 organisations behind the campaign "You don't lock up a child. Period." welcome this recommendation and call upon the federal government to immediately put an end to the detention of children.

The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child urges Belgium to put an end to the detention of children in closed centres


Belgium must put an end to the detention of children because this practice contravenes the best interests of the child. This is one of the recommendations published this Thursday, 7 February, by the Committee on the Rights of the Child. The more than 325 organisations behind the campaign "You don't lock up a child. Period." welcome this recommendation and call upon the federal government to immediately put an end to the detention of children.


Because Belgium ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, it must every five years submit a periodic report on the compliance with this Convention to the Committee on the Rights of the Child België. The recommendations of this Committee are the final step in a process that must ensure that no children's rights are being violated in Belgium.


Belgium has to protect the rights of all children. It has to take the committee's recommendations seriously and take all necessary steps to put an end to child detention as quickly as possible. These children, like all children, have to right to be treated as such, to be taken care of and protected, and to be free.


A campaign by

Mineurs en exil

In collaboration with

Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen